Symmetrical Paper Mask

Symmetrical Paper Mask

From: The Art Teachers Survival Guide for Elementary and Middle School
By: Beverly Biernot

Card stock

2 different colors of 
construction or colored paper
Glue stick
To do this project begin by selecting two colors of paper. As seen in the picture I chose green and brown. Fold both pieces of paper exactly in half vertically (Hot dog). Use the scissors to cut on the folded line, cutting each paper in half. Now, lay one half of each color on top of each other. Be sure to line up the edges. Use the chalk to outline of half of a head, including the ear. Hold the papers firmly together, use the scissors to cut out the outline. Now glue the pieces side by side on the card stock. Use the other half of each paper to make the details for the face. Be sure to stack both colors to make mirror images, one for each side. 
